Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Isilon | How to configure SmartLock


What it is:

SmartLock is based on WORM (Write Once Read Many) approach. It provides non-rewritable, non-erasable feature which helps in protecting your data against accidental or intentional erasure. It is very useful for archived files that you need to retain for audit & compliance purpose; specially in Banking and Healthcare business units.


It helps you in storage space savings as you protect data at the directory level while in traditional WORM backup complete tape is utilized.

Steps to configure:

1) Check the license:

# isi license

2) Set the compliance clock

# isi worm cdate set

3) Create the root folder - All subfolders and files adopt the same retention settings as the root folder. So carefully decide your File System Hierarchy

# isi worm mkdir --path=<path of the file system>

3) Set the retention period

# isi worm modify --default-retention <time period> --min-retention <time period> -- max-retention <time period> --autocommit-offset <time period>--path=<file system path> 

Note: Time period=4Y/ 3M ( 4 years / 3 months )

4) View SmartLock directory:

# isi worm domains list
# isi worm domains view <path>

5) Commit a file to a WORM state through UNIX;

# chmod ugo-w <file system path>

6) Commit a file to a WORM state through Windows Explorer:

# Select file/folder 
# Righ-click and go to properties and then general tab
# Select Read-Only option and click OK

7) Delete a file committed to a WORM state

you can delete WORM committed file before expiration date using root or compliance administrator privilege. 

Use the below command to set the privilege option for a particular directory:

# isi worm domains modify --path=<file system path> --privileged-delete true

Note: If privilege-delete option is OFF then you can't delete file until retention period is over.

8) View the status of WORM files:

# isi worm files view <path> 

Happy Learning!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Piyush,

    I created a SmartLock domain for a folder path. When I go to commit it, I get a message saying "Folder is not Empty". When I try the same with other folder for SmartLock, it works. What could the problem be?

