Saturday, May 9, 2015

XtremIO Array Administration

Finally writing my post on XtremIO array administration. It was due since long after i completed my blog on xtremio-architecture

So here we go... I'm covering basic details like - GUI overview, array administration and monitoring. I've tried covering few basic commands which can be used to check the system status using CLI. For details kindly check the array administration guide available at

GUI Overview:

Below picture depict the array dashboard where you check the system status in a glance. It shows overview about capacity, alerts, performance and hardware status.


Hardware overview:

Below picture depict the hardware overview of the array and cable connectivity:

Front view:

Back View:

Cable Connectivity:

The different cable connections are illustrated between the brick parts and where the storage connections would fit in.

Hardware Failure:

You can see that the hardware failure is highlighted via change in color.

Storage Provisioning:

Below are the steps for storage provisioning on XtremIO array:

1) Create new volume. You can also create multiple volumes in a single step and club them in a single folder. 

2) Create initiator group

3) Map the volumes created in Step 1 to the initiator group created in step 2. Just select the volumes and initiator group respectively and click on apply.

Array Alerts and Events:

XtremIO array has built in dashboard for the alert and event management. The reporting allows for events or alerts to be filter based on the severity, type and time frame. These are all good filter options and should allow admins to find the information they are looking for.

CLI Administration:

xmcli (admin)> xmcli (admin)>
xmcli (admin)> show-clusters
Cluster-Name Index State  Conn-State Num-of-Vols Vol-Size Logical-Space-In-Use Space-In-Use UD-SSD-Space Total-Writes Total-Reads Stop-Reason Size-and-Capacity
demo_sys4    1     active connected  15          155.006T 37.019T              815.314G     7.475T       633.341T     644.048T    none        1X10TB           
xmcli (admin)>
xmcli (admin)> show-clusters-performance
Cluster-Name Index Write-BW(MB/s) Write-IOPS Read-BW(MB/s) Read-IOPS BW(MB/s) IOPS Total-Write-IOs Total-Read-IOs
demo_sys4    1     6.236          1109       8.032         1241      14.269   2350 11394017006     4136936530    
xmcli (admin)> show-targets-performance
Name          Index Write-BW(MB/s) Write-IOPS Read-BW(MB/s) Read-IOPS BW(MB/s) IOPS Total-Write-IOs Total-Read-IOs
X1-SC1-fc1    1     1.582          279        2.077         312       3.659    591  2985113428      1099644445    
X1-SC1-fc2    2     1.432          245        1.793         314       3.225    559  2757886971      1002224794    
X1-SC1-iscsi1 5     0.000          0          0.000         0         0.000    0    0               0             
X1-SC1-iscsi2 6     0.000          0          0.000         0         0.000    0    0               0             
X1-SC2-fc1    11    1.674          310        2.165         308       3.839    618  3174570251      1191688338    
X1-SC2-fc2    12    1.548          274        1.994         305       3.542    579  2612228199      979161273     
X1-SC2-iscsi1 15    0.000          0          0.000         0         0.000    0    0               0             
X1-SC2-iscsi2 16    0.000          0          0.000         0         0.000    0    0               0             
xmcli (admin)> show-storage-controllers
Storage-Controller-Name Index Mgr-Addr     IB-Addr-1    IB-Addr-2    IPMI-Addr    Brick-Name Index Cluster-Name Index State   Unknown-Prop Enabled-State Unorderly-Stop-Reason Conn-State IPMI-State Unknown-Prop
X1-SC1                  1 X1         1     demo_sys4    1     healthy healthy      enabled       none                  connected  connected  on          
X1-SC2                  2 X1         1     demo_sys4    1     healthy healthy      enabled       none                  connected  connected  on          
xmcli (admin)> show-datetime
Mode NTP-Servers Cluster-Time Cluster-Time-Zone
xmcli (admin)> show-data-protection-groups
Name   Index State  Useful-SSD-Space UD-SSD-Space UD-SSD-Space-In-Use Rebuild-Progress Preparation-Progress Rebalance-Progress Rebuild-Prevention Brick-Name Index Cluster-Name Index
X1-DPG 1     normal 9.095T           7.475T       815.314G            0                0                    0                  none               X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
xmcli (admin)> show-xms
Name Index Xms-IP-Addr  Xms-Mgmt-Ifc
xms  1 eth0        
xmcli (admin)> show-storage-controllers-infiniband-ports
Name       Index Port-Index Peer-Type Port-In-Peer-Index Link-Rate-In-Gbps Port-State Storage-Controller-Name Index Brick-Name Index Cluster-Name Index
X1-SC1-IB1 1     1          None      0                  0                 up         X1-SC1                  1     X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
X1-SC1-IB2 2     2          None      0                  0                 up         X1-SC1                  1     X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
X1-SC2-IB1 3     1          None      0                  0                 up         X1-SC2                  2     X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
X1-SC2-IB2 4     2          None      0                  0                 up         X1-SC2                  2     X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
xmcli (admin)>
xmcli (admin)> show-storage-controllers-infiniband-counters
Storage-Controller-Name Index Port-Index Symb-Errs Symb-Errs-pm Recovers Recovers-pm Lnk-Downed Lnk-Downed-pm Rcv-Errs Rcv-Errs-pm Rmt-Phys-Errs Rmt-Phys-Errs-pm Integ-Errs Integ-Errs-pm Rate-Gbps Rcv-Errs-pl Recovers-pl Lnk-Downed-pl Symb-Errs-pl Intg-Errs-pl Rmt-Phys-Errs-pm
X1-SC1                  1     1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
X1-SC1                  1     2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
X1-SC2                  2     1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
X1-SC2                  2     2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
xmcli (admin)> show-infiniband-switches-ports
Port-Index Peer-Type Port-In-Peer-Index Link-Rate-In-Gbps Port-State IBSwitch-Name IBSwitch-Index Cluster-Name Index
xmcli (admin)> show-infiniband-switches
Name Index Serial-Number Index-In-Cluster State FW-Version Part-Number Cluster-Name Index
xmcli (admin)>  show-daes-controllers
Name         Index Serial-Number  State   Index-In-DAE Location FW-Version Part-Number  DAE-Name DAE-Index Brick-Name Index Cluster-Name Index
X1-DAE-LCC-A 1     US1D0121500226 healthy 1            bottom   149        303-104-000E X1-DAE   1         X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
X1-DAE-LCC-B 2     US1D0121500700 healthy 2            top      149        303-104-000E X1-DAE   1         X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
xmcli (admin)> show-daes-psus
Name        Index Serial-Number  Location-Index Power-Feed State   Input Location HW-Revision Part-Number DAE-Name DAE-Index Brick-Name Index Cluster-Name Index
X1-DAE-PSU1 1     AC7B0121702789 1              feed_a     healthy on    left     2a10        071-000-541 X1-DAE   1         X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
X1-DAE-PSU2 2     AC7B0121702790 2              feed_b     healthy on    right    2a10        071-000-541 X1-DAE   1         X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
xmcli (admin)> show-daes
Name   Index Serial-Number  State   FW-Version Part-Number Brick-Name Index Cluster-Name Index
X1-DAE 1     US1D1122100068 healthy 149        100-562-964 X1         1     demo_sys4    1    
xmcli (admin)>

xmcli (admin)> add-volume alignment-offset=0 lb-size=512 vol-name="LDN_VDI_00" vol-size="20g" parent-folder-id="/"
Added Volume LDN_VDI_00 [16]
xmcli (admin)> 
xmcli (admin)> show-volumes
Volume-Name     Index Vol-Size LB-Size VSG-Space-In-Use Offset Ancestor-Name Index VSG-Index Cluster-Name Index Parent-Folder-Name Index Unknown-Prop Unknown-Prop Unknown-Prop Total-Writes Total-Reads Certainty-State 
HA_Heartbeats01 1     2G       512     17.355M          0                          1         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     enabled      enabled      enabled      10.793G      77.218G     ok              
HA_Heartbeats02 2     2G       512     17.629M          0                          2         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     enabled      enabled      enabled      10.575G      77.211G     ok              
LDN_VDI_00      16    20G      512     0                0                          16        demo_sys4    1     /                  1     enabled      enabled      enabled      0            0           ok              
LUN_01          14    1G       512     0                0                          14        demo_sys4    1     Host_DBA           2     disabled     disabled     disabled     0            0           ok              
LUN_02          15    1G       512     0                0                          15        demo_sys4    1     Host_DBA           2     disabled     disabled     disabled     0            0           ok              
VDI-DS1         4     15T      512     3.604T           0                          4         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.974T       739.662G    ok              
VDI-DS2         5     15T      512     3.589T           0                          5         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.935T       722.896G    ok              
VDI-DS3         6     15T      512     3.604T           0                          6         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.975T       706.256G    ok              
VDI-DS4         7     15T      512     3.604T           0                          7         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.975T       690.904G    ok              
VDI-DS5         8     15T      512     3.604T           0                          8         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.975T       673.812G    ok              
VDI-DS6         9     15T      512     3.604T           0                          9         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.975T       657.464G    ok              
VDI-DS7         10    15T      512     3.604T           0                          10        demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     9.976T       642.827G    ok              
VDI-DS8         11    15T      512     3.618T           0                          11        demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     10.014T      628.075G    ok              
VDI-DS9         12    15T      512     3.618T           0                          12        demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     10.013T      608.400G    ok              
VDI-DS10        13    15T      512     3.618T           0                          13        demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     10.014T      592.012G    ok              
VDI_Infra1      3     5T       512     977.266G         0                          3         demo_sys4    1     /                  1     disabled     disabled     disabled     3.474T       199.027T    ok              
xmcli (admin)> 
xmcli (admin)> show-volume vol-id="LDN_VDI_00"
Volume-Name Index Vol-Size LB-Size VSG-Space-In-Use Offset Ancestor-Name Index VSG-Index Cluster-Name Index Parent-Folder-Name Index Unknown-Prop Unknown-Prop Unknown-Prop Total-Writes Total-Reads NAA-Identifier   Certainty-State 
LDN_VDI_00  16    20G      512     0                0                          16        demo_sys4    1     /                  1     enabled      enabled      enabled      0            0           860f8099b3e34ab3 ok              
xmcli (admin)> 

xmcli (admin)> show-initiator-groups
IG-Name     Index Parent-Folder-Name Index Certainty-State 
esx_scvdi01 1     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi02 2     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi03 3     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi04 7     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi05 5     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi06 6     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi07 4     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi08 8     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi09 9     /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi10 10    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi11 11    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi12 12    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi13 13    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi14 14    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi15 15    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi16 16    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi17 17    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi18 18    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi19 19    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi20 20    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi21 21    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi22 22    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi23 23    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi24 24    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi25 25    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
esx_scvdi26 26    /VDI_Cluster       2     ok              
xmcli (admin)> 

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